School Improvement
The White Rose Academies Trust employs a number of key Senior Leaders who have a very strong track record of transformation and improvement in a range of areas. These colleagues can provide educational establishments with objective reviews, support and robust challenge to facilitate rapid improvement and progress.
The White Rose Academies Trust is comprised of three secondary schools in Leeds; Leeds City Academy, Leeds West Academy and Leeds East Academy. Our schools provide an exceptional education and life training; harnessing the skills and fortifying the aspirations of young people, who we know will transform the Leeds City region and provide a positive, progressive contribution to society. All three of our academies have gone through a significant transformation resulting in all receiving Ofsted grading’s of Good with Outstanding Leadership at Leeds City Academy.
All three of The White Rose Academies were selected for the 2018 Parliamentary Review of Secondary Education. This was due to the rapid transformation that had taken place in each academy including Leeds East Academy which became the fourth most improved school in the country in 2018. We are proud to serve three communities with an IDACI quintile of 5.
The White Rose Academies Trust is part of the Luminate Education Group. This group consists of The White Rose Academies Trust, Leeds City College, Leeds College of Music, Keighley College and Harrogate College. The Luminate Education Group when focusing on the Further Education aspect is a very large general college with over 30,000 students and apprentices drawn from across the Leeds City Region. Each of these organisations has its own Board of Directors, which are accountable to a Luminate Education Group parent board. The college has seven campuses through which it delivers a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications, from entry level to level 4 in most sector subject areas. Leeds City College is Ofsted graded Good with Outstanding features.
The White Rose Academies Trust Deploy a range of experienced Senior Leaders to School Improvement. These colleagues are vastly experienced in their fields, you will receive staff profile(s) prior to the start of the White Rose Academies support work with your school.
View the WRAT timeline