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The importance of communication

Tom Walker - Business Support Assistant

Working in an admin role during a pandemic is definitely an experience. I have learned so much about adapting to external factors, resource & time management and the importance of communication.

I have been working on managing my own time between; meeting my apprenticeship deadlines, mass testing staff & students, ensuring I complete all my work, covering duties for staff unable to be in the building, etc.

Recently for my apprenticeship I have been working on a project based around the school planners. I have been able to communicate with different companies and manage the resources available to me in order to meet deadlines I set and produce documents I hope to present.

Working through the pandemic I have seen how important communication can be, when something is communicated properly, action is able to be taken most efficiently and lead to a better outcome with less mistakes. When something is miscommunicated, it leads to errors which delay the overall aim and causes stress for those completing the task. I have also learned that communication is important outside of tasks. Relationship building improves morale and helps staff feel like they are valued, when staff feel valued the work environment is better and staff are more motivated to work to the best of their ability.




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