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Our Trust

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We believe that our academies are at the heart of the communities they serve. This is why we are committed to delivering an outstanding education to each and every one of our students.


Our schools provide an exceptional education and life training; harnessing the skills and fortifying the aspirations of young people, who we know will transform the Leeds City region and provide a positive, progressive contribution to society.


We are aspirational and unwavering in our vision, ensuring that every student who attends our academies:

  • is safe and happy at school


  • makes outstanding progress in every subject


  • develops the communication skills and personal confidence to fully prepare them to be successful leaders of the future


The White Rose Academies Trust employ outstanding professionals, whose daily commitment is matched only by the pride our students feel for their school and education.


Everyone associated with our Trust believes that the future of our society is exciting, vibrant and safe in the hands of our students. Their individual character, limitless ambition and determination will place Leeds at the centre of the Northern Powerhouse of the future.



Andrew Whitaker


White Rose Academies Trust


TEL: 0113 284 4260


POST: Bedford Field, Woodhouse Cliff, LS6 2LG

The White Rose Academies Trust is a member of Luminate Education Group


We have signed up to the

Education staff wellbeing charter. 

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White Rose Academies Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee.

 Registered in England & Wales, Reg. No. 07958615

Registered Office: Leeds City Academy, Bedford Field, Woodhouse Cliff, LS6 2LG

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