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Honing the skill of organising within business

In her fourth blog, Emily continues to writes about experiences from her placement role of Project Officer:

I have been working for the White Rose Academies Trust for one month now and I feel part of the family. I have met so many wonderful people from different departments and been introduced to so many different fields of business. I am amazed at how many different pieces of work I have done in the time I have been here. Each day I am feeling more confident with the work I am doing and can feel myself improving in the tasks I am doing. In my first 2 weeks here, I was worried I was making too many mistakes but like in any job, it was a learning process.

I have had so much help from everyone here that I feel more comfortable at taking on new challenges within the job every day.

This week has flown by very quick (time flies when you are having fun!), every day I have been faced with different challenges and no day has been the same. On Tuesday, I spent my morning in Town going round to different businesses trying to obtain prizes for our Purple4Polio Charity raffle at our planned Reflection Event on 13th July 2018. In the afternoon I had planned for a Self Defence Trainer to come in for one and a half hours to teach self-defence to the Trust Student Leadership Group, this was extremely interesting and a lot of fun to learn the different methods of Self Defence but also great to watch the students enjoying themselves throughout the session too.

My main tasks for this week are to try to find as many benefits as I can for the Trust to provide to staff. To ensure that all plans are finalised for the Trust Student Leadership Awards and to also help the Head of Communications and Projects with the media schedules to promote each academy’s Year 6/7 Open Evening, these take place in September and October.

It is so interesting to see all the work that goes on behind the scenes in a school. When I was a student I never realised how much was involved. I always thought that when it was school holidays that the school closed and never knew how many people were still busy working away ensuring that everything is perfect for when students return. All the work which goes in to preparing planners, exercise books and various other materials along with ensuring that the websites are fully informative for all stakeholders too.

It is fair to say that I am loving this placement!



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