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Researching Business and Interview Techniques

Trust Projects Team

Emily Hare is working as our Trust Student Intern for the next year. Each week, Emily writes about experiences from her placement role of Project Officer; read Emily’s second blog below:

It is my second week working for the White Rose Academies Trust and I am amazed at how many tasks have been assigned to me. When I was looking for my placement, I was worried that I would only be focusing on simple administration and not going into the details of business but here that is not the case.

This week, I have researched business strategy by reading the Harvard Business Review and FORTUNE magazine subscriptions. I hoping that this will expand my knowledge on the business environment hugely.

Continuing from the recruitment processes I previously wrote about, this week I was involved with interviewing candidates for different apprenticeship roles within the three academies. Although it felt a little strange being on the other side of the interview table, I found it useful knowing what answers employers are looking for and also it was good learning how to prepare interview questions. I felt extremely important when my employees asked for my opinion towards each interview. This has taught me a lot about interviews and recruitment and it has made me feel 100% more confident for any future interviews after University.

One role I am excited about starting is the planning and preparation towards teacher training sessions. I have been appointed as the main person in charge of planning the sessions and inviting the correct people to make sure everything runs smoothly.

This will focus on the event planning side of business; I will create invitations, choose suitable venues, travel access, budgets and will control some parts of the social media pages to promote the events.

Over the last two weeks, I have seen how all three academies work closely together, overcoming challenges and deadlines and working like a family. I feel honoured to be welcomed into such a friendly team and to work with the White Rose Academies Trust to help on their significant journey to see all three Academies Ofsted rated as outstanding within the next three years. I can’t wait to continue being a part of this journey over the next 12 months.




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