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John Leach

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Professor John Leach recently retired from a 40-year career in education.  He taught chemistry, biology and science in secondary schools, then worked as an academic in science education, conducting and directing research projects, and teaching on Initial and In-Service teacher education, Masters and Doctoral programmes. 


His research and teaching collaborations have involved work in Europe, North America and Asia.  He has held various senior leadership positions in Higher Education, and has served as a Head of Department, Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor in 4 Universities.  He has longstanding experience as a Non-Executive Director, including school governance across the maintained, independent and academies sectors at primary and secondary levels.

Professor Leach is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


TEL: 0113 284 4260


POST: Bedford Field, Woodhouse Cliff, LS6 2LG

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