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Raminder Aujla MSc


Raminder has worked with children and families within both the education and youth justice sector for over 20 years. Raminder is an accredited Specialist Safeguarding Trainer and accomplished public speaker, who has spoken on safeguarding issues that impact education staff at both national and regional conferences. 

Prior to joining the White Rose Academies Trust, Raminder was the lead Education Safeguarding Officer for Leeds Children’s Services, with a responsibility for supporting schools with strategic safeguarding policy, procedures, training and advice. Her role involved working closely with Headteachers, Teachers, Principals, Designated Safeguarding Leads, the Department for Education and Regulatory Inspectorates. Raminder is passionate about safeguarding children, and has held the position of Chair, Vice Chair and is currently the Safeguarding Lead Governor of a local primary school. Raminder is a member of CAPE (Child Protection in Education) and on the CAPE Conference planning committee, responsible for planning both national and member conferences. 

Raminder has been a member of the National Safer Recruitment Consortium Task Group as the Local Authority representative. The Consortium Task Group is responsible for the development and revision of Safer Recruitment Training and Guidance for Safer Working Practice for staff working in educational settings.

Over and beyond the day job, Raminder is also an associate trainer for the AIM Project, specialising in Education support and training. The AIM Project has been working in the field of children and adolescents with harmful sexual behaviours for over 20 years and is one of the leading UK and international organisations in this area. Internationally, Raminder has worked with both the Irish and Australian government in supporting their strategic approaches to child-on-child sexual abuse within educational settings. As the lead education associate trainer, Raminder has developed their national training for educational settings and co-published the “Understanding & Managing Harmful Sexual Behaviours in Educational Settings Guidance” book.


TEL: 0113 284 4260


POST: Bedford Field, Woodhouse Cliff, LS6 2LG

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