In her sixth blog, Emily continues to write about her placement as she starts the new academic year:
It is fair to say I have done a bit of everything this week! My focus has been on the launch of WRAT CPD, which started last week with Aspiring Leaders and Leadership & Development. It went better than I could have imagined! It has been my job to plan logistics and make sure everything ran smoothly, luckily it did.
The next CPD session is tomorrow, which is Teaching and Learning, I have been very busy preparing resources. I hope that this will go as well as last week!
When I applied to do a Business and Marketing placement, I never expected that I would be trusted and given my own projects to run. CPD logistics and resources is my own project and I am really enjoying the responsibility.
"When I applied to do a Business and Marketing placement, I never expected that I would be trusted and given my own projects to run."
Not only have I been involved with CPD but also with the Trust Student Leadership Group (TSLG), which I spoke about on one of my earlier blogs. The new 2018/19 TSLG had their first group session last week, which included an inspirational guest speaker coming in and speaking to the students. I found this extremely inspiring listening to her speak about how she has become a successful business woman and it was heartwarming to hear from the students about what things they felt were important as being part of their future.
I am really enjoying been involved with the Trust Student Leadership Group, we are looking at planning some exciting trips for this group over the academic year, which is very exciting.
As you can tell, every week is different!