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Our Apprentice Blogs: Meet Alice

The White Rose Academies Trust are excited to introduce Alice Ryan as The White Rose Academies Trust Business Officer Apprentice. Alice will be writing about experiences from working within the Trust; read Alice's first blog below:

Hello, my name is Alice Ryan, I am 20 years old. I have just been given the amazing opportunity to be the new Trust Business Officer at White Rose Academies Trust. Therefore, I am writing this blog to share the experiences I have had so far within the Trust.

I was exceptionally honoured to be given this role within the Trust. I strongly believe that every child has the right to an outstanding education and that education is the foundation to creating a better future.

This organisation and role massively stood out for me as I will have the chance to be involved in all different aspects of the business. I will be involved in finance, marketing, event planning, HR and accountancy. This suits me perfectly as I am currently unsure which aspect of business is most suited to me personally. Due to the fact that I have had minimal experience in these roles; I will now have the opportunity to put my skills into practice, which will enable me to see which aspects of the role I love and can truly succeed in.

"Due to the fact that I have had minimal experience in a business environment; I will now have the opportunity to put my skills into practice, which will enable me to see which aspects of the role I love"

Over the past few weeks I can truly say that I have enjoyed everything I have experienced so far; starting from the vast array of jobs, all the way to the kind and talented colleagues that I have met. Each day has been completely different and I have already been introduced to many areas of the business.

I have been involved in highly important business meetings with the Principals from all three academies and the Executive Principal of the Trust, which I found hugely interesting; it made me aware of all of the hard work and dedication that’s behind each academy to make them run as well as they do.

I have only been working for the Trust for a short period of time but I have been able to move around all three academies; meeting all of the staff and working in different environments.

Whilst working at Leeds East Academy I was given the task to create a presentation and present it to the Trust Student Leadership Group. Alongside my colleagues, I spoke to the group about events we have already arranged and we discussed what they would like to do during the London trip next year.

Other projects I have been working on involve; Careers, ITSS, Catering and much more. Shortly I will be learning about the recruitment process and how to place adverts on various recruitment sites.

I am really looking forward to my future at the White Rose Academies Trust and can’t wait to be involved in so much more.



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