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Introducing Our Trust Business and Marketing Officer

Trust Projects Team


George Grimsey, University Student, has joined The White Rose Academies Trust on his one year University Industrial Placement. George will be working closely with the Executive Principal and the Head of Communications and Projects, as a key member of the Central Trust team; read George's first blog below:

Hello, my name is George Grimsey and I have just finished my second year at Coventry University, studying Sport Management. My course includes a year for an industrial placement and fortunately I have been successfully interviewed by The White Rose Academies Trust and I am now the Business and Marketing Officer. The application process involved me writing a letter explaining why I am suitable for the role. I was then invited for an interview with the Executive Principal, Head of Communications and Projects, HR Manager and three other members of the WRAT central team.

The White Rose Academies Trust is a growing Trust which currently consists of three academies; Leeds West, Leeds East and Leeds City. Across the academies there are over 3000 students and 400 staff. The Trust has an annual budget of £20 million and owns over £100 million worth of property assets.

I have always had a strong interest in Business and in particular Marketing, so when I found out I was offered the role of Business and Marketing Officer for the Trust I was thrilled. As soon as I read Emily’s blogs on the WRAT website I knew this role would be perfect for me. These blogs highlighted the variety of experience the role would provide which is something that really appealed to me because I’m not completely sure which area of business I want a career in. Having the opportunity to gain experience in all aspects of Business is something that I am extremely grateful for and I cannot wait to keep learning new things every day.

"I have always had a strong interest in Business and in particular Marketing, so when I found out I was offered the role of Business and Marketing Officer for the Trust I was thrilled."

I have been here for five weeks now and I have really enjoyed every day. I have already been introduced to so many different areas of business. On my second day I attended an ELT away day at Oulton Hall. This was a brilliant experience and really helped me to get to know the leadership team early on. Also, in my first week I was responsible for helping select the new TSLG for next year, it was great to meet the students and have my first experience of being on an interview panel. One of my biggest focusses so far has been helping to organise the Reflection Event, this was a great experience and it was nice to see that everyone enjoyed the evening. Another interesting task I have been given is to organise free membership with Nuffield Health for all staff members interested, this is a task I have enjoyed as it brings in my sporting background. Attending TLG meetings has been another extremely valuable experience which has allowed me to see how good business ideas are created. I have also enjoyed helping to organise interviews and the Teaching and Learning Conference for the Luminate Group.

I can’t believe I have already been here for a month and a week! I have learnt so much already. I have also found out the Trust will be offering me the opportunity to do a Project Management course as part of my internship which I am extremely grateful and excited for. I want to thank everyone for making this such a positive experience so far and I’m looking forward to what work I will be completing in preparation for the 2019/20 academic year.




TEL: 0113 284 4260


POST: Bedford Field, Woodhouse Cliff, LS6 2LG

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