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My first year of teaching

Mia Singleton

This year seems to have absolutely flown by and I am really grateful to my colleagues for all of the wonderful opportunities I have been afforded during my first year in the profession.

I am really proud of the opportunities I have taken advantage of and feel that I have taken strides to develop my own practice as a teacher, but also in areas beyond the classroom. Amongst developing my craft within the classroom, I have delivered CPD sessions, completed an impact project to benefit teaching and learning within my classroom and to share with other colleagues across the Trust, and have participated in furthering our curriculum through creating schemes of learning.

When I look back at all that I have achieved, it is without doubt that this has been due to the fantastic support I have been afforded at Leeds West Academy and through my own want to push myself out of my comfort zone on a daily basis!

I am excited to move into the new academic year and would advise anyone in the same position to spend a few minutes thinking back to all your achievements over the year (however small!) and celebrate how far you have come! I would also advise thinking about some areas of development to focus on moving forward as I imagine a summer away from work can fly by, but feel like a lifetime as well!

Below is my checklist to myself of ways I can develop my own practice from September:

- The facilitation of more active learning opportunities such as debates. - The facilitation of peer assessment and ensuring that responding to feedback is meaningful. - Facilitating G4G. - Setting up purple zones in terms of academic and behavioural expectations. - Ensuring that all are engaged when working in collaborative learning modes. - Teaching skills such as map skills/choropleth maps

Finally, and most importantly, to all other new teachers:

We did it! We have completed our first year of teaching (alive and well might I add!)

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer!




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